How Much Is It Worth to Have Your Business Running at Optimum Levels?

BASM helps your manufacturing business manage the selection, implementation, integration and on-going support of your manufacturing software solution.

You always need to move forward and find ways to improve your business.  An ERP system for manufacturing can help you achieve everything you want for your business, by facilitating effective management of all your business activities through cohesive software applications.

An effective and robust ERP software package from BASM provides you with a business management system that integrates all areas of your business including planning, manufacturing, sales and marketing.

A manufacturing software solution from BASM helps you track all business activities including:

  • Sales and Marketing Activity
  • Customer Service for Orders
  • Pricing and Problems
  • Inventory Control and Purchasing
  • Tracking and Managing Materials
  • Manufacturing Floor Scheduling
  • Tracking Labor and Material Costs

A fully integrated solution will also manage Order Processing from your website, EDI, order-entry or other method integrated with your ERP system from the time an order is placed through to credit, picking, shipping, invoicing, warranty management, and follow-up.  The right mix of technology and practical business experience makes all the difference, giving you everything you need to handle your business efficiently..

The right ERP solution helps your business by answering questions quickly and conveniently about everyday tasks:

  • Do we have this product available to sell?
  • How much should I buy?
  • How many should we make?
  • What do our customers owe us?
  • What do we owe our vendors?
  • What is our profit for each department?
  • Are our sales contracts reflecting our business policies?
  • Are we buying efficiently?
  • Can we reduce our manufacturing time?

You need an ERP solution that can provide the information required for your key performance indicator (KPI) dashboards, so you can determine how effectively individual elements of your business are running in real-time.  It will also help you manage units per hour through your plant, sales order lines picked per hour, your Customer Complaint Resolution rate and more.

At BASM, we investigate your goals, business processes, needs, bottlenecks and opportunities to determine exactly what is required for your business.  We thoroughly evaluate all this information to eliminate any tasks that do not add value to your company or your customers.

Get a streamlined business process flow so you can produce more with less effort.

The right ERP solution from BASM results is a more streamlined business process flow that enables your company to provide better service to your customers and allows your people to produce more with less effort.

Read what our clients have to say about BASM,

“I would recommend Business Automation Specialists to anyone contemplating either a brand-new implementation or an upgrade of any magnitude.”

Dennis Cole
EZ Way, Inc.
Clarinda, Iowa

We provide services that include integration with your other systems to minimize re-entry of data such as:

  • Websites
  • EDI
  • Vendor Managed Inventory Systems
  • Shop floor equipment

In addition, we make certain all elements of your company’s computer system are in good working order to minimize any potential performance problems caused by network or hardware problems.  Your computer system is the foundation of your business system.  If it is not functioning well, your whole company is at risk.  Statistics show that catastrophic loss of a company’s computerized business system leads to a significant chance of business failure.

Our BASM training process focuses on helping your staff use the software to maximize their efforts.  We do this by promoting the employees’ understanding of the critical elements of their jobs and how your ERP systems will help them get their job done quickly and efficiently.  This in turn means that you realize your corporate objectives for your business system.  Your business system supports and facilitates reaching your goals.

Whitepaper: “How to Choose a Manufacturing System”

When it comes to Manufacturing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), it’s important to understand all the benefits of an integrated ERP system before beginning your selection process. We created this guide—to provide you with the essential information you need to make the best decision possible.

Whitepaper Topics:

  • How do I get started evaluation Manufacturing ERP options?
  • How do I choose a Manufacturing ERP consultant & resller?
  • How do I deploy a Manufacturing ERP across my orginization?
  • Hosted vs. On-Demand vs. On-Premise?
  • How do I determine my ERP implementation budget?

Once your ERP system is up and running, we continue to provide on-going support.  Call us whenever issues arise due to changes in your business requirements, general system maintenance, new hires and other standard business considerations you deal with everyday.

We believe that steady progress is a must in order for you to move forward and achieve your overall business success. We believe that a process of continuous improvement is better than trying enormous projects that present a big risk to your company.

We understand risk and reward and work to make sure that your risk is mitigated and your opportunity for reward is enhanced. We make you better, faster and stronger within your budget and with minimal disruption to your day-to-day operations.