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Types of Standardization used to Reduce Manufacturing Costs

Cost Reductions

There are many ways to approach standardization. This article will highlight 4 types of standardization used to reduce manufacturing costs and improve overall efficiency. We lay out the 10 most effective ways to reduce manufacturing costs in our blog post, Effective Ways to Reduce Manufacturing Costs.

Tool Standardization

Tool standardization determines how many tools are required for each step of the manufacturing process. Companies must list the tools required in each stage (assembly, alignment, calibration, testing, service and repair) and analyze the tools used for existing products. In order to find the most common tool, companies must review and prioritize tool usage history. All areas of the manufacturing department need to collaborate to determine the preferred tools among all the different departments. Companies develop their common parts list from the list of common tools.

Feature Standardization

This type of standardization focuses on standardizing “features” using the same procedures used to standardize parts and tools. A “feature” is any configuration that requires a separate tool, such as a drill, hole punch or cutting tool bit for machine tools.

Raw Materials Standardization

This approach focuses on standardizing raw materials in order to make manufacturing processes more flexible. Bar stock/tubing, protective coatings, sheet metal, programmable chips and molding/casting are examples of standardized materials. Raw material standardization streamlines the products made using the same materials, tools and mechanisms.

Process Standardization

In order to standardize processes, the engineering of the products and processes must be simultaneous. This type of standardization coordinates the processes ensures the parts and products are built without any setup changes. Well thought out design processes avoids wasted time and materials.

The standardization of parts, products and processes can lower manufacturing costs by 50%. Standardization can increase efficiency, improve quality and maintain the flexibility required in the manufacturing process. Download our “How to Choose a Manufacturing System” guide to determine if your current system has what it takes to implement these important standardization strategies.

If you want to brush up on the latest information about standardization in manufacturing read 6 benefits of standardization in manufacturing (

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